Rising Operational Costs
Over the past few years, our operational costs have experienced an increase due to the rising price of supplies, equipment repairs, and personnel wages. By adjusting the rates, we can ensure the continued reliability and efficiency of our services.
Infrastructure Improvements
In response to county, state, and federal requirements, the Village undertook large infrastructure improvement projects for both the water and sewer systems. These improvements were necessary to ensure a sustainable and modern water and sewer system that can support our residents for years to come. However, they come with a price tag. These projects are now complete, and the Village has reevaluated rates to cover the loan repayment associated with these essential infrastructure projects.
Financial Sustainability
Maintaining the financial stability of our water and sewer services is of utmost importance. These services are required by law to be financially self-sufficient. By adjusting the rates, we can ensure that we have the necessary funds to cover operational expenses, ongoing maintenance, and future improvements. A financially sustainable system guarantees the long-term viability of our services, allowing us to continue delivering clean water and efficient sewer services that meet the needs of our growing community.
We understand the impact that rate adjustments can have on our residents. We want to assure you that this decision was not made lightly and is necessary to maintain the high standard of water and sewer services you deserve. We remain committed to transparency and will continue to find ways to minimize costs without compromising the quality of our services.
To establish our new water and sewer rates, the Village tasked our financial advisors to complete a comprehensive fiscal review of our water and sewer systems. As a result, starting with the July and August billing period (reflected in bills mailed out in September) the village is anticipating the following rates:

Water Billing
At the request of the Village Board, our fiscal advisor, Municipal Solutions, completed a comprehensive water fee study considering current billing, as well as operating costs, future maintenance costs, and debt service. This study recommended an increase in fees to cover the operational costs and save for future maintenance costs. Additionally, the study recommended a new "capital charge" targeted at covering debt repayment.
To ease the burden of these changes, the Village adjusted the fees halfway in 2022 and adjusted the fees to the full amount in 2023. Starting with water bills in September 2022, a "capital charge" was added at $14 per dwelling unit (as identified by the Tompkins County Assessment Department). For commercial accounts, a calculation is performed to determine the account's "equivalent dwelling units" (EDU). All water clients, inside and outside the Village, are assessed the capital charge.
Starting with water bills in September 2023, the "capital charge" rose to $23. Additionally, the flat fee per billing period increased to $37.50, and the fee per 1,000 gallons of water after the first 1,000 used increased to $7.00. Customers outside the village will continue to pay 1.5x the flat and per gallon fee. However, the "capital charge" remains the same for customers outside the village. For customers with any questions or concerns, please contact the Village Office at 607-387-6501.
Sewer Billing
The Village sends out sewer bills every other month which, as of early 2023, were based on a flat fee of $63.90 for each sewer account in the Village with no additional usage fee.
At the request of the Village Board, our fiscal advisor, Municipal Solutions, completed a comprehensive sewer fee study considering current billing, as well as operating costs, future maintenance costs, and debt service. This study recommended an increase in fees to cover the operational costs and save for future maintenance costs. The study also recommended a new "capital charge" targeted at covering debt repayment, as well as a usage fee based on water use.
To ease the burden of the changes, the Village adjusted the fees halfway starting with the bills in March 2024, and will adjust the fees to the full amount starting with the bills in September 2024. Starting with sewer bills in March 2024, the usage fee will be added of $4.75 per 1,000 gallons after the first 1,000 gallons. This will allow the flat fee per billing period to decrease from $63.90 per billing period to $39.00 per billing period. Overall, the median user should see their bill reduced by $18.25 from this change. Additionally, a "capital charge" will be added at $12.45 per dwelling unit (as identified by the Tompkins County Assessment Department). For commercial accounts, a calculation is performed to determine the account's "equivalent dwelling units" (EDU). All water clients, inside and outside the Village, are assessed the capital charge.
Starting with water bills in July 2024, the "capital charge" will rise to $24.90. Customers outside the village will continue to pay 1.5x the flat and per gallon fee. However, the "capital charge" will remain the same for customers outside the village. For customers with any questions or concerns, please contact the Village Office at (607) 387-6501. These changes are also accompanied by a Sewer Rate Changes Frequently Asked Questions document.