
For more than half a century, the Village of Trumansburg has been dedicated to providing essential water and sewer services to its residents, striving to maintain affordability while ensuring top-notch quality.

The Village Department of Public Works (DPW) oversees the performance and maintenance of the Village’s infrastructure, including the water system and sewer system.

Locations & Infrastructure

  • The Village water comes through pumping stations located at Frontenac Point and Taughannock Falls State Park.
  • The wastewater treatment plant is located on Lake Street near the intersection with Dorsey Hill.
  • The water tower stores our water reserve and welcomes visitors at our southwest corridor on the corner of Hector and Halsey Streets.

Rates and Billing

The combined water/sewer bill is sent out bi-monthly the first week in January, March, May, July, September, and November.

Village Residents (inside rate)

  • Water
    • Base Rate: $37.50 per unit† (includes 1,000 gallons per unit)
    • Usage Fee: $7.00 for every 1,000 gallons beyond the amount in the base rate
    • Capital Charge*: $23 per EDU‡
  • Sewer
    • Base Rate: $39.00 per unit† (includes 1,000 gallons per unit)
    • Usage Fee: $4.75 for every 1,000 gallons beyond the amount in the base rate
    • Capital Charge*: $24.90 per EDU‡

Non-Village Residents (outside rate)

  • Water
    • Base Rate: $56.25 per unit† (includes 1,000 gallons per unit)
    • Usage Fee: $10.50 for every 1,000 gallons beyond the amount in the base rate
    • Capital Charge*: $23 per EDU‡
  • Sewer
    • Base Rate: $58.50 per unit† (includes 1,000 gallons per unit)
    • Usage Fee: $7.13 for each 1,000 gallons beyond the amount in the base rate
    • Capital Charge*: $24.90 per EDU‡

*Capital Charge - This generates revenue to cover capital improvements in the water stations & wastewater treatment plant. It was implemented to repay loans taken to upgrade and maintain this infrastructure.

Unit - The Village currently allots base rates by "unit" with one "unit" typically allotted per dwelling. The Village anticipates allotting the number of base rate units to match the number of assigned EDUs in the future. Please contact the Village Office if you have questions about the current number of units allotted to your account.

EDU - Tompkins County Department of Assessment (TCDA) determines the number of dwelling units for each residential property. If you have questions about adjusting the EDUs associated with your property, contact TCDA at 607-274-5517.

  • A single-family dwelling shall be charged one EDU.
  • Other dwellings. Premises occupied or designed to be occupied by two or more families, including two-family dwellings, multifamily dwellings, apartment and apartment houses, shall be charged one unit for each apartment or separate living quarters contained in or on such premises, without regard as to whether the same are occupied on a seasonal or full-year basis.
  • Any parcel of real property which does not fall in any of the above classifications shall be assigned a total number of EDUs based on a determination of annual water consumption relative to a typical single-family dwelling. Typical annual water consumption by a single-family dwelling is considered to be 50,000 gallons.

Account information


Please be sure your account information is current. Contact our office at 607-387-6501 x1003 if you need to change your phone number, email address, name, or mailing address.

Moving and Final Water Reads

We will need to prepare a final water read bill and close your account so that you will not be charged for water consumption after you move.

A Final Water Read is required prior to the sale of your property or before moving from a rental unit where you pay the water/sewer. The current property owner/renter must request the read 3-5 business days in advance of the closing or moving. There is no charge for this reading. This does not shut off water and sewer service to the property.

Final Water Read Request

To request a read, complete the Final Water Read form or contact us at 607-387-6501 x1003. This will ensure that proper ownership or tenancy revisions are posted to your account and that you will not be billed for water used at your old address. You are liable for all water usage until a final reading is obtained and your account is closed.

Payment information

Pay Online

We use a third-party vendor for credit card, debit card, and e-check payments. A Quickpay service charge of $1.75 is added for charges less than $64, and 2.75% for charges equal to or greater than $65. E-checks are $2.50 for payments between $.01 and $1,999.99. You can preview service fees before submitting payment. Online payments must be received on or before 11:59 PM of the due date to avoid penalties. VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover, Diners Club, JCB are accepted. Go to

Pay By Mail

Village of Trumansburg
56 E Main St Trumansburg NY 14886
Memo line: Include account # with leading alpha character (e.g. A0000)
Include your bill stub, but do not staple it to the check. The envelope must be post-marked on or before the due date to avoid penalties.

Pay In Person

Payment must be delivered to the Clerk window or drop box location on or before the due date to avoid penalties. You may pay with cash, check, or credit card at the Village Offices.

Late Payments

Payments must be received or post-marked on or before the due date after which a 10% penalty is added. Failure to receive a bill does not waive the past-due penalty.

If you are a Village resident and have arrears greater than $250 as of April 30, the amount will be levied on your Village property tax bill in June. If left unpaid by October 31st, it will appear on your Tompkins County/ Town of Ulysses property tax bill.



The property owner is responsible for the water line that runs from the water shut-off valve in the yard to the building, and then all water lines inside the building. The Village is responsible for everything up to and including the water shut-off valve in the yard. The Village owns all residential meters.


The property owner is responsible for the sewage line from the municipal sewer main in the public right of way to the building, and then all sewer lines inside the building. The Village is responsible for the sewer main in the public right of way.

Local Laws

Sewer Use Local Law No. 3-2023

Water System Ordinance

Additional Services

Water Hauler Fee (Bulk Water)

$10/kgal- Water hauling allows you to purchase bulk water using your own containers and vehicle. Contact the Water Department at 607-387-5618 to make arrangements.

New Service Hookup

Contact the Village Office at 607-387-6501 x1003 for information on adding a new service or print out the application.

Pool Filling

$100 plus the appropriate inside or outside water rate. Contact the Water Department at 607-387-5618 to make arrangements.

Flow Testing

$100 plus the bulk cost of water. Contact the Water Department at 607-387-5618 to make arrangements.

Special Events Water Fees

Water Hookup - $100 per hookup

Water Testing - $400 per week

Outside water user rates apply

Contact the Village Office at 607-387-6501 x1003.

Voluntary Termination of Service


Property owners with an active building permit may seek a voluntary termination of water and sewer service. This is subject to the condition that such permits require a new certificate of occupancy at the conclusion of the construction project. The Code Enforcement Officer shall validate the active status of a qualified building permit associated with the construction project. The DPW supervisor, upon validation of the voluntary termination request, shall ensure the proper removal of the water meter associated with the terminated service. Customers exercising the option of voluntary termination shall receive a final bill at the end of the current billing period, and they shall not be billed further until service is reinstated. A $100 meter disconnect fee and a $100 reconnect fee applies.


Property owners may have their water and sewer service terminated upon the demolition of a building, concurrent with the removal of the water meter.

Assistance Program

The Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) was discontinued by New York State on September 1, 2023.

You may be eligible for assistance through NYS's Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance.

Sample Bill

Water & Sewer Rates

Water System Don’ts or What Should not be Flushed or Put Down the Drain

  • Grease
  • Medications
    Drop off unwanted medications in the Village Police Department’s drop box during open office hours. Items must be in original containers or sealed bags.
    Medications can also be dropped off at Kinney Drugs at 2100 Trumansburg Road. For a complete list of what Kinney’s can accept, please visit
  • Flushable wipes
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Chemicals
    Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) is material that must be handled and disposed of properly due to dangers it poses to our health and the environment. The Tompkins County Department of Recycling and Materials Management (TCRMM) offers a permanent location to accept HHW from Tompkins County residents and qualified businesses and organizations that are Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG). Please do not pour HHW down your drain. For more information about properly disposing of this waste, please visit
  • Sump Pump Discharge
    Sump pumps must discharge into the yard or storm drain, not into the sewer lateral. Discharging into the sewer line can cause health and safety concerns.