The Three Falls Local Development Corporation (LDC) is a collaboration of the Village of Trumansburg and the Towns of Ulysses and Covert, initially created to enter into a licensing agreement with the NY State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historical Preservation (Parks) for the purpose of managing the property formerly known as Camp Barton, which will become a new State Park once it is purchased by the State.
In the fall of 2021, the Village became aware that the Baden Powell Council of the Boy Scouts of America intended to sell the Camp Barton property. Working closely with Parks, numerous state officials, and the Towns of Covert and Ulysses, an agreement was reached whereby NY State would purchase the property, and local municipalities would be given the opportunity to manage it. With the goal of ensuring public access to Cayuga Lake, along with increased opportunity for recreation, events, and local programming, the Village of Trumansburg and the Towns of Covert and Ulysses formed the Three Falls Local Development Corporation as a not-for-profit entity in 2023, to further this and, potentially, other similar goals.
The Three Falls LDC Board of Directors meets on the first Thursday of the month, at the Ulysses Town Hall, at 9:30am. Meetings are open to the public.
Three Falls LDC Board Meeting Minutes