For Spring, the Village of Trumansburg and Village Historian S.K. List has invited Christine O’Malley, the Preservation Services Coordinator at Historic Ithaca, to present a program on “Researching Your House History.” O’Malley will offer the program in the Trumansburg Village Hall at 11 am on Saturday, April 2. Admission to the presentation is free, with donations to Historic Ithaca gratefully accepted.
Trumansburg area residents who have been intrigued by the ongoing Plaque Project may be particularly interested in this program, as a means to gain some suggestions for tracking down the history of their homes. The Plaque Project, the inspiration of Trumansburg builder/carpenter Peter Cooke, has been in place since early 2020 and involves the placement of handsome handmade and hand-painted date plaques, in a uniform design, on village-area houses and buildings, in exchange for a modest donation.
Cooke makes the plaques and the dates are beautifully painted by Christopher Wolff, a Trumansburg artist skilled in visual communication and vintage sign typography. Both Cooke and Wolff are contributing their skills gratis; any proceeds from the project benefit the Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts (TCFA). Order details and more information are available at the home page of the TCFA website, <>. To date, several dozen plaques are in place. Representative sites to see them are at the Conservatory and at the front door of the Village Hall.
The most current COVID guidelines will be in place for the April 2 in-person meeting. The Trumansburg Village Hall is at 56 E. Main Street, Trumansburg, NY 14886. PLEASE NOTE that the entrance to the meeting room is via a separate entrance at the rear of the building, adjacent to a public parking lot on Elm Street and near the Village police station. Admission to the program is free, but space is limited, so those interested in attending are asked to register / RSVP in advance to reserve a place. Reply by email by Wednesday, March 30 to <>.