The Town and Village Tree Committees are hosting a tree planting and educational event in celebration of arbor day on April 29th at 10am. The event will be focused on planting three service berries in the area across from the Farmer's Market and next to the Taughannock Giant and will include opportunities to participate in or watch the planting, mulching, and initial watering of these wonderful trees, as well as educational programming regarding the value of yard trees and forests, including an introduction to the iTree program.
These three service berries are notable not only because they will become a wonderful source of beauty, pollen, and edible berries, but also because they form the seed (pun intended!) of a possible edible forest or food forest in this area.
If you'd like to pick up a shovel and lend a hand or just spend a pleasant morning learning more about food forests and the value of community trees, stop by on Saturday the 29th and 10am - we'll hope see you there!