The Village of Trumansburg collects taxes once a year. Taxes are prepared by the Tompkins County Assessment Department and bills are mailed on or by the 1st business day of June. Full payments are due without penalty by June 30th (or the following Monday if it falls on a weekend, as indicated by the bill due date).
Taxes are payable online (credit card processor fees applied) or by check. Please make checks out to the Village of Trumansburg, include your tax map number on the memo line, and mail or drop off payments to 56 East Main Street, Trumansburg, NY, 14886. We use the postmark date and online payment date for determining timeliness.
If you have an escrow account, your bill will also be mailed directly to your bank. If you don’t have an escrow account and do not receive your tax by June 9th, please call the Clerk’s office at (607) 387-6501 and request a copy be sent to you. Please note, even if your bill is lost in the mail or you do not receive it for any reason, you are still responsible to pay it before the due date or a penalty fee will be charged.
Taxes are payable to the Village of Trumansburg until October 31st. Payments made after October 31st are payable to Tompkins County Finance, 125 E Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850 Telephone: (607) 274-5545. Unpaid taxes, penalties and fees will be relevied on the 2024 County Tax Roll and become subject to additional penalties and fees.
Jessica Giles, Village Clerk Treasurer
Village Main Office
56 E. Main St.
Trumansburg, NY 14886
tel: (607) 387-6501 x1002
What is the village EIN?
How can I get a tax receipt?
Prepopulated or simple contact email
How do I request a village tax search?
Please request in writing by either mailing a hardcopy or sending an email. Please see contact information on this page.
Why did my assessment go up?
Please contact Tompkins County Assessment, as they are our Assessment Authority.
Has there been a tax rate increase?
The Village tax rate remains flat for 2023-24 over prior year.
How can I get copies of…?
You can get copies by requesting via phone, letter, or email. Please see contact information on this page.
How can I change my account information?
You can change your account information via phone, letter, or email. Please see contact information on this page.
How can I submit my STAR application?
You can submit your STAR application on the Tompkins County Assessment website.
How can I find out about my other, non-village taxes?
For more information about town taxes, visit the Town of Ulysses Taxation Page.
For more information about county taxes, visit the Tompkins County Finance Page.
For more information about school taxes, visit the Trumansburg Central School website.
To see your town and county tax bills, visit this tool.