As a requirement of State law, any village that adopts zoning laws must have a Zoning Board of Appeals. The duty of the ZBA is to act as a “quasi-judicial” board given the authority to interpret and grant variances from, existing zoning law. ZBA members are appointed by the Mayor, subject to Board of Trustee approval, to five-year terms.
Timothy Hamilton, Chair – Term expires in 2026
Dave Breeden – Term expires in 2028
Noah Demarest – Term expires in 2029
Tony Hanson - Term expires in 2028
Mike Schlossberg – Term expires in 2025
Correspondence, comments, or questions for the Zoning Board of Appeals can be sent to the Village Office, or via email care of
First TUESDAY of each month or as needed. All meetings are open to the public.
Zoning Board of Appeals Meetings - Archived Video Recordings
- 2025-01-17 MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING - Area variance - 27 Congress
- 2024-10-08 MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING - Area Variance - 37 Whig
- 2024-09-06 MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING - Area Variance - 1 Salo Drive
- 2024-01-08 MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING - Area Variance Application - 7 Salo
- 2023-11-07 MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING - Area Variance Application - 22 Whig
- 2023-11-07 Zoning Board of Appeals - PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE
- Area Variance Application - 22 Whig Street
- 2023-07-13 ZBA Meeting Recording
- 2023-09-12 MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING - Area variance Application - 8 Elderado
- Repaired Meeting ID Link: 854 7485 7634
- 2023-09-12 Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
- 2023-09-12 Agenda - DRAFT
- 2023-09-12 Zoning Board of Appeals - Public Hearing Notice
- 2023-09-12 Area Variance Application - 8 Elderado - APPROVED
- 2023-09-12 ZBA Meeting Recording
- 2023-08-08 MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING - Area Variance Application - 31 Hector Street
- 2023-04-04 MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING - Area Variance Application - 15 Halsey St.; Area Variance Application 10 Whig St.
- 2023-01-24 PUBLIC HEARING-Area Variance Application-17 South St.
- 2022-10-17 PUBLIC HEARING - Variance Application - East Seneca Road
- 2022-10-17 Zoning Board of Appeals - PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE
- 2022-10-17 Agenda
- 2022-10-17 Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
- 2022-10-17 ZBA Meeting Recording - Audio Only
- Area Variance Application - Robertson - Approved
- 2022-10-03 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting
- 1-24-2022 Board of Zoning Appeals
- 12-20-2021 Board of Zoning Appeals
- 12-20-21 ZBA Agenda
- 12-20-2021 ZBA Compass MH Community Submission.
- 11-29-2021 Board of Zoning Appeals-Public Hearing for Special Use Permit
- 11-29-2021 ZBA Notice of Public Hearing
- 11-29-21 BZA Agenda
- 11-29-2021 BZA Meeting/Public Hearing Video Recording
- 9-27-2021 Board of Zoning Appeals-Public Hearing-(2) Area Variances
- 9-27-2021 ZBA Legal Notice
- 9-27-2021 ZBA Meeting Agenda
- 9-27-2021 ZBA Meeting /Public Hearings Video Recording
- 8-30-2021 Board of Zoning Appeals-Public Hearing: Use Variance and Special Use Permit
- 8-30-2021 ZBA NOTICE
- 8-30-2021 ZBA Agenda
- 7-26-2021 Board of Zoning Appeals-Public Hearing-Use Variance
- 4-19-2021 Board of Zoning Appeals-Public Hearing-Shed Placement Variance
- 4-19-2021 BZA Meeting-Variance Public Hearing Legal Notice
- 4-19-2021 BZA Meeting Agenda
- 4-19-21 BZA Meeting-Variance Application
- 4-19-2021 BZA Meeting/Public Hearing Video Recording
- 9-28-20 Meeting
- ZBA 9-28-2020 AGENDA DRAFT
- Legal Notice
- Meeting Recording
- 9-9-20 Meeting
- 8-30-2020 Meeting
- 5-28-2020 Meeting
- ZBA 5-28-2020 AGENDA
- ZBA 5-28-2020 Public Hearing Notice
- Meeting Recording
- 1-27-2019 Meeting